1. list
  2. list
  3. list
  1. apple
  2. pie
  3. cola
  1. apple
  2. pie
  3. cola
English Learning Guide

Basic English Learning Guide

1. Basic Grammar Structure

Subject + Verb + Object


- I eat food
- She reads books
- They play football

2. Present Tense Forms

Simple Present

Used for habits, facts, and regular actions

I play   ->  He/She/It plays
We play  ->  They play

Present Continuous

Used for actions happening now

I am playing
He/She/It is playing
We/They are playing

3. Common Vocabulary

Basic Verbs

be - to exist/occur
have - to possess
do - to perform
make - to create
get - to obtain

4. Numbers and Counting

1st - First
2nd - Second
3rd - Third
4th - Fourth

5. Common Phrases

- Hello!
- Good morning!
- How are you?

- I'm fine, thank you
- Nice to meet you
- See you later

6. Question Words

What - asking about things
Where - asking about place
When - asking about time
Who - asking about people
Why - asking about reason
How - asking about manner

7. Time Expressions

Past:         yesterday, last week, ago
Present:      today, now, at the moment
Future:       tomorrow, next week, later

8. Practice Exercise

Fill in the blanks:

1. I _____ to school every day. (go)
2. She _____ television now. (watch)
3. They _____ dinner last night. (have)

Answers at bottom

1. go
2. is watching
3. had

9. Pronunciation Guide

Vowel Sounds:
cat   /kæt/
see   /siː/
bird  /bɜːd/

Consonant Sounds:
think /θɪŋk/
shoe  /ʃuː/

Remember: Practice makes perfect!