The English Language

English Language Image

English is a West Germanic language... (rest of your content here)

History of English

English has a rich and complex history... (more content)

Old English (c. 450 – 1150)

Old English, or Anglo-Saxon...

Fæder ūre...

Middle English (c. 1150 – 1500)

Middle English saw significant changes...

Modern English (c. 1500 – present)

Modern English continues to evolve...

Early Modern English (c. 1500 - 1800)

Shakespeare's works...

To be, or not to be...

Late Modern English (c. 1800 - present)

This is the English we speak today...

Grammar and Usage

English grammar...

I go...

... (rest of your content)

This is just a brief overview...

  1. Apple
  2. Orange
  3. Pear
  1. Apple
  2. Orange
  3. Pear